Sunday, January 6, 2008

A New Year

Well... looking back at 2007 I see, among many other things, that I underestimated how difficult it is for a budding entrepreneur to maintain a blog. Let an improvement in this regard be the first of many '08 resolutions to which I will adhere.

Today was an exciting day. Despite some unlucky events of late (not one but TWO fender benders on my PARKED car and a visit from a klepto neighbor on New Year's Eve...), I can't help but feel a bit lucky today. After only a few brief weeks of good-natured negotiations, we have officially agreed on the terms of our first acquisition. I'll keep it anonymous for now until we close on the deal (on the off-chance that someone actually reads this).

It feels good to have successfully avoided heavy use of legal counsel. We may regret that decision down the road, but my instinct tells me the notion of keeping business matters between business people is generally a good idea. Time will tell.

2 more weeks to close on Alumni Advisor sales. We've got a ways to go before break-even (yikes!). But I can't remember too many times in my life where I wasn't cutting it close for something important, and things have pretty much worked themselves out.

Trip to the DMV tomorrow to get a new driver's license. (A Minnesota DL... I thought the license plates were bad enough! Although I learned today that legally after 60 days of living in MN it's against the law to not have a MN DL, so I guess it's about time, eh?)

My latest addictions include: video podcasts (particularly TED conference videos), Orange Box, His Dark Materials trilogy, and business plan revisions. I can smell playoff football on the horizon. And I can see a Favre/Brady Super Bowl gun-slinger duel in the distance. And a new membership to the neighborhood Y will mean a welcome addition to the daily routine. Form good habits, become their slave.

Nick meets with a banker from Bremer tomorrow to discuss bplans and projections for '09 and beyond. Fun stuff!

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